Nope and no no no no !

I never realised that so many things can be so wrong in just a 24 page story... damn... wish I never knew.
So... the heroine gets dumped by her boyfriend whom she took for granted then we jump to several weeks later when she's going on a small vacation and her car breaks down in the mountains so the guy who comes to pick her up along with her car is an overweight stereotype of a man and of course, a rapist from whom she is saved by the man she calls uncle Jimmy who is not her uncle and she practically forces her dad's best friend to fuck her. Then the ending:
(show spoiler)
If I would rant on everything that is wrong with this story I would write three times the length of this actual story so I'll keep it simple and short.
1. This book isn't romance, it's an episode of a sexual encounter that seems quite forced on the older man.
2. This short story makes no fucking sense! She forgot her dad's best friend in life also has a cabin near the place she wants to go on a vacation to despite the fact she spent half of her childhood there. And she gets into a car with a man who clearly insinuates he wants to have sex with her and then she is so damn surprised when he actually tries.
3. Jimmy, her dad's best friend and our hero in this story, is trying really hard to resist this woman because he says it isn't right and she just keeps on going, jumping into his bed and masturbating, getting outside naked and stretching before going swimming, taking his fingers and dipping them into her private parts and so on until he actually gives in and they fuck for one night.
4. First Jimmy keeps on saying no and resisting and running away from her then when he snaps and wants her she runs away screaming no and then she returns and seduces him again. What in the actual fuck? Why am I even reading this argh !
5. The ending, if the story didn't get you miserable then this ending surely will. Clustered in a few last sentences you realise they remain assholes for the entirety of their lives. Oh I am so happy having to read this, truly my life now is oh so much richer than it was an hour ago.
Conclusion !
Don't be a fucking asshole in life and maybe better things will happen to you.